Wednesday, August 29, 2007


RESILIENCE - the last of three important attributes to a successful corporate career.

What is resilience?

Too many people like to run with the herd. Like the buffaloes. Winners look ahead. Goal-oriented and determined to reach their objectives.

Like salmon - swim hundreds of miles upstream against rugged rapids, preyed upon by hungry eagles and bears. They don’t stop until they die. They are all merely ordinary adversaries.

Never give up. Never accept "NO" as an answer. Always

If There’s a Will, There’s a Way

BUT, there is a catch - to know the limit. Too much of resilience is aka stubbornness

You would not want that, right?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Future of Human Resource Management

64 Thought Leaders Explore the Critical HR Issues of Today and Tomorrow:
  1. Understanding & Managing People

  2. Invest in the Next HR Professionals

  3. Master the New Role

  4. Adapt Culture to Business Conditions

  5. Organization as Capabilities not Structure

  6. HR Decision - Craft, Science, Art

  7. Social Expectation, Public Policy and Ethics

  8. Global Life, Local Act

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Huge Distractions

What a day...

Where is my sexual harrasment guidelines?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Occupational Personality Questionnaires (OPQ32)

  • A suite of questionnaire designed to assess the typical or preferred behavior of individuals in a way that is relevant to the world of work
  • Variety of applications mainly for selection, development, team-building and counseling
    OPQ32i forces people to make a choice between most and least preferred aspects of their personalities
  • Controlling distortion due to response bias

The 32 dimensions measure the followings:

Relationship with People
1. Influence - Persuasive, Controlling, Outspoken, & Independent Mind

2. Sociability - Outgoing, Affiliative, & Socially Confident

3. Empathy - Modest, Democratic, & Caring

Thinking Style
4. Analysis - Data Rational, Evaluative, & Behavioral

5. Creativity & Change - Conventional, Conceptual, Innovative, Variety Seeking, & Adaptable

6. Structure - Forward Thinking, Detail Conscious, Conscientious, & Rule Following

Feelings and Emotions
7. Emotion - Relax, Worrying, Tough Minded, Optimistic, Trusting, & Emotionally Controlled

8. Dynamism - Vigorous, Competitive, Achieving, & Decisive